Monday, July 2, 2012


Here's another #PghSupportPgh blog for yall!

Over this past weekend while I was being great, eating cookout food, and enjoy some 80 proof liquor I sat down with one of Pittsburgh local comedians. He's been hosting the Improv down at the Waterfront and he's been mostly recently making you laugh with his latest video "Niggas In Cubicles" his name is @Tjonespoc. We discussed who is top 5 comedians of all-time are and also how the video "Niggas In Cubicles" came about. Sit back and enjoy and also support because we all can't make it to the top without some help!


When did you first realize you had the gift to make people laugh?
I first realized I had the gift of comedy when I was making people laugh from being a toddler. I was always funny, and I was a fat ass kid, so I had to learn to rip so the hood folks would leave me alone. But as far as becoming a stand up comic, I'd say when I was about 15. I started at the age of 18.

What comics influenced you to do stand up?

The biggest comedian that made me fall in love with comedy is Richard Pryor, my dad had a box set with all his albums. So I had a MP3 CD Player in like 2002 and I burned all his albums into one CD and listened to it every night and day. Chris Rock made me wanna build that F**K you confidence on stage. Bill Cosby, George Carlin, Dave Chappelle, Bill Hicks, Steve Martin, and Franklyn Ajaye influenced me. Arnez J back when he was on Comicview made me as a teen want to hit the stage, but my biggest influence besides Pryor is hands down Eddie Murphy. Eddie Murphy to me made comedy fun, he influenced a whole era of comedy that we consider "Def Jam" or "Urban" but he was one of the kings.
Name your personal top 5 comedians of all-time?

1)RICHARD PRYOR/BILL COSBY(Because Bill Influenced Pryor even on his Delivery)
2) George Carlin
3)Eddie Murphy
4)Chris Rock
5)Bill Hicks

How long have you been hosting the Improv in PGH and how do you feel its helping your career?

I host open mic down the Improv whenever they ask me too, I just happen to host it a lot. I also open and feature for national acts at The Improv as well. It has helped my career amazingly as far as networking and gaining more of a fanbase. I have featured for people I grew up watching on TV so it's a great experience. The Improv has given me chances that I would of never imagined especially at a super early age, I was 21 when I first started being a opener, and I have worked a few different Improvs and Clubs as a opener outside of Pittsburgh. So the more you're seen the more it helps push your career.

How did the video "Niggas In Cubicles" come about?

I posted on twitter that I wanted to collab with someone and make a "N***as in Paris" spoof, and my boy Kikz (@kikzaholic) says I'm down. He goes "lets call it N**GAS IN CUBICLES" and this was along the lines of what I wanted to do. So I wrote my first verse in 10 minutes of the message sent it to him, he wrote his the same day. When we were in the studio our natural comedy chemistry was amazing. He never did anything comedy wise like this and was better and more hungry than comedians I know that have been in comedy for years. Kikz is gonna destroy the game when he gets in the comedy world, and I think White Mike (@I_WhiteMike) is gonna kill the comedy game too, I can't wait til they get the train running. But because Kikz, Z23Studios, my manager Eric Wenning, All Star Limosuine, and All The Actors involved it worked perfect. It was fun directing and writing the visuals, it was the video that debuted me finally becoming a YOUTUBE partner.

What are your goals for the next five years and how do you plan to achieve them?

My goal in 5 years is to be on national TV or have my own sketch show, I'll be 30 so I plan on having some great moves under way by then. I plan on using this Youtube Partnership to my advantage, Viral vids have gotten me national write ups. So my goal is to use that to help me get to my TV and movie goals. I would also like to have my first 30 minute comedy special by then as well. I plan to make these things happen by praying and pushing, I been offered great deals. I've learned if you chase your goal it will never workout, but when you make it manifest thats when things happen, so I plan on moving to LA and making the moves I need to. 

How can people get in contact with you for booking a show and where can they watch your material?

If anyone wants to see any type of videos they can go to or As for how I can be booked. Thanks for everything, SWAG

For booking please go to Wenning Entertainment or contact:
Eric Wenning – President Ext : 671
Office: 412-292-8776
Fax: 412-646-4967

Follow all the upcoming comedians in Pittsburgh trying to make a name for themselves @Tjonespoc @Kikzaholic and @I_WhiteMike

Follow the whole First Class Blogs teams too myself @Rell_Mac @gritscapone @E_TRELL and @I_WhiteMike

Here's some of @Tjonespoc material:

Everest Spoof
Black Sinatra

Niggas In Cubicles 

Interview conducted and written by Rell Mac (@Rell_Mac)

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