Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Where is the Avi Etiquette?

Where is the Avi Etiquette?
The twitcon should be something you should treasure and not something you punish your timeline with. People should take pride in their avi because that is the first thing people see when entering your profile and can also make or break a follow. Now think to yourself...is my avi atrocious? Why yes, yes your avi is quite atrocious actually. Why am I referring to your avi as atrocious? Because it is...if you dont think it is well then that is fine. My perception of things have been skeptical lately, I lost my du-rag and havent been able to think straight since. But I am pretty sure I am not the only one that believe that these are some of the worst type of avi's known to mankind....

-Way too close avi (Means they insecure about the rest of the body and want to create a decieving shot)

-Group of friends avi ( They dont want you to know which one they are because they the wackest in the group)

-Junky background avi (Means they just full of filth whether its their hygiene or timeline)

-Never changed from when you created Twitter avi (Means they got fat and dont want to show what they look like present day)

-Blurry avi (Means they just caught the itis from struggle all around.) Your resolution game should be on point this day in age, there is no country for struggle pixels. You might as well be an egg b.

There will be alot of unfilled roster spots this cuffing season due to the array of terrible avi's floating across niggas TL's. Its always a sad day when a chick has to resort to 5 months worth of lonely tweets. Nobody wants to read that constantly and once that happens the U.P.D. (Unfollow Police Department) has to get involved and niggas dont truly always want to do that.

Its just not for females either, you niggas cant be in other dudes mentions with your shirt off b...that absolutely does not fly. You asking for a followback with your pectorals exposed? Naw dawg FOH, that is definitely the best way to get you a trip to Afspamistan promptly. The war over there with struggle would be perfect for you my nigga.

Well with that being said I believe that my rant is over, for the time being...

"Turn on the lights, Im looking for herrrrr" - Every nigga that enlarged your avi

Yall be cool, Im out! And also follow my niggas @gritscapone @I_WhiteMike and @Rell_Mac

Written by #SayItAintE (@E_TRELL)

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