Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Death Of The Date

The Death Of The Date
Well if you've been paying attention to the world in the past two weeks you'll see that the gays have clearly been winning in some sort of invisible draft with the recent acquisitions of Anderson Cooper and Frank Ocean. Congrats to them and shit like that. 

Moving. Right. Along! 

I'd like to tackle a topic I've been seeing over and over again manifested in different ways. 

"Chivarly is dead" "Why don't people date anymore?" "What happened to the art of courtship?" 

"Why is no one tryna sweep me off  my feet"?

Ladies you know why nobody really "dates" anymore? No it's not that. It's not that either.

It's a huge waste of time. Im sorry. You may disagree but that's only because you don't wanna feel like a pieces of shit.

Now you might be like "Grits thats fucked up. Really? A waste?" I say to you this my friends. Prove me wrong.

It's a waste because women in their twenties right now don't really know what they want, who they want, and how they want it. All they really want is attention.

They wanna know somebody well enough to fuck em and introduce to thier mothers, but sadly enough in this generation these often arent the same guy.

Women don't know what they want in this period of their lives but they know they don't wanna be alone so they forge relationships based on this premise.

This leads us to two strains of women. 

The emotionally unavailable and the physically unavailable. 

Now the emotionally unavailable chick is often really cool but for some reason is bitter, can't get over her ex or just has baggage. This includes daddy issues as well, she can also be not affectionate.  

You think a nigga is gonna spend time getting to know you if you tweet #TheThirst all day? 
Bednite is you trippin?

You obviously weren't used to getting attention so you powertrip over it every chance you get. It's okay, we know you're whatever boss diva combination is playing on the radio. You can afford Indian hair, you're really winning.

Point is alot ya'll seem hurt and mean as fuck with a high sense of self esteem with a low self worth. 

Nobody is putting in the time and energy to fuck with a chick that has a fucked up outlook on relationships anyway. They say you have to be change you see so why you always dealing with the same shit? Time to do some self reflection boo boo.
Now a woman might be physically unavaible for a multitude of reasons: 
she fucked/cyberfucked your homie, celibate, prudish, pregnant, burning, or the pussy just might not salivate for you. In any cirmcumstance a dude will never stick around for someone physically unavailable unless he loves her but that won't happen cuz in 1994 Snoop said ...Wait what? my bad ya'll this is some good loud.
 but yeah who wants to date a chick that ain't fucking? 

I can say honestly I have looked through my phone and was gonna delete all the numbers of chicks that I will never fuck or ever try to. This also included the emo-nogo.
Thats sounds fucked up and I didnt do it but I wanted to. I want chicks to stop wasting my time, I want to stop fooling myself into thinking if I text more something crazy will happen. Fuck that it's pointless and my time is precious. 

Be a fuckin adult and have an affair or a meaningful relationship for once, or leave me the fuck alone.

If you don't know what you want then I don't either. 
But just say that upfront. So I can have time to run away.

When I find a new chick worth dating I'll actually do some new shit like research something new to cook, a nice play to go to , or somewhere special to take a walk...

And never introduce her to that corner table at Red Lobster.

Follow the team myself @gritscapone @Rell_Mac @I_WhiteMike and @E_TRELL

Written by Grits (@gritscapone)

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