Monday, July 16, 2012

Local Rappers 101 (Part 1)

Before I start this blog let me just say #FirstClassBlogs will be at Pittsburgh's Improv in the Waterfront July 18. Not only that it's @E_TRELL birthday so come down and grab my G a drink and enjoy some jokes from @I_WhiteMike with his second appearance at the Improv. The show starts at 8:00pm EST.

We workin!

Back to this Local Rappers 101 (Part 1) blog tho....
With this blog I want to reach out to local artists and share my opinion on some things that can help them in the long run. This blog is meant to motivate and help steer rappers in the right direction. This is part one of a three part series that local artists can benefit from, so go grab your favorite local artist and sit him/her down because this can help their career.

Part one of this three part series focuses on original music.

In order for local rappers to be successful original music is a must. Take the time to stack up the money and/or find a local producer and create music from scratch. Here are the reasons why having original music is a plus to any local artist:

Rapping over original music instead of instrumentals is needed because it shows creativity. Rapping over an instrumental and using the same flow, style, and delivery doesn't show anything but that you know how to change a few words. It's ok to do so maybe once or twice on your mixtape but to have 14-15 songs full of other peoples' songs shows that you're lazy and you're not creative.

Local artists, before you decide to lock in the studio and record 32 bars of struggle and use the same flow and delivery as the next nigga answer this, "Why would I, the listener want to hear the same song twice?"; "Why would I, the listener give your song a chance and put it on my Ipod when I already have the same song in my ITunes?" If you're going to use an instrumental make sure you change to concept of the original song and make the song yours. Go over the track with your own style and change the outlook of the whole song.

Another thing local artists (and this is very important so please listen up), when going over an instrumental if you cannot make the song better than the original please do not waste our time and most importantly do not waste your money on the studio time. For example, 95% of Jay-Z beats should not be touched. There's a good chance you cannot make a song better than HOV so just leave it alone. We do not want to hear your struggle bars over "Allure" or "Dead Presidents." Those are such a great songs, do not ruin those for us.

The moral of this blog is local artists you have to start from nothing and make it into something, just like the professionals. No major record label is going to take you seriously without any original music of your own. It's ok to rap over instrumentals but create your own flow and put your own twist on the song, because we the listeners do not want to hear the same song twice.

Local Rappers 101 (Part 2) will be dropping soon.....

Follow the whole team @gritscapone @E_TRELL @I_WhiteMike and myself @Rell_Mac

Written by Rell Mac (@Rell_Mac)

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