Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Why Black Women Hate Kim K

Why Black Women Hate Kim K
May I do a healthy social analysis for a minute?
I really don't need ya'lls fucking permission I just wanted to appease ya'll (look it up)

Lately scouring the Twitter universe since the BET Awards and even before I've seen an unbelievable amount of hate from black women for a woman who has never done a thing to ya'll. You know her name...

Kim Kardashian

Am I wrong? Am I wrong?

One  of the most interesting things about this social observation is that in many instances it reveals the fears/insecurities of women and to a larger scale black women.

At the root of it I believe Black women hate/resent Kim K for various reasons but most importantly I think it's what she represents.

Essentially and originally a white sex symbol who has profited greatly from being "nigger-dicked" repeatedly making her a "hoe" to black women but being able to turn herself into a marketable brand while most recently being able to find love with one of rap's most creative geniuses, Kanye West.
I think Kanye at times represents that ideal black man in the 21st century. Intelligent, Funny, Stylish, Sensitive, and slightly crazy he is without a doubt a favorite of today's black women.

However since the passing of his mother and the break up with his former fiance Ye hasn't been in a public relationship with a black woman in over five years.

Most notably his relationship with ex-Amber Rose was his most talked about. Seemingly black women didn't seem to hate on Amber as much as Kim. In fact many decided to shave their heads in adulation for the former stripper from South Philly turned video vixen turned rapper's girlfriend.  Maybe they didn't hate on her because even though she was white she represented that inner hood booger that makes it to Hollywood on the back of her man that took her out of the ghetto. Ironically Ye was probably at his most fucked up time in life which resulted in awesome music courtesy of My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.

Now that Ye is in a relationship with Kim there's a problem. Well what is it? I'll tell you.

Kim Kardashian represents a reality where black women DO NOT have a monopoly on the happiness of black men any longer...and that scares the shit out of them.

To black women she represents the White Whorish Jezebel undeserving of the love of  G.O.O.D black men everywhere.
She is rich, beautiful, and smart plus from what I've seen has supported Ye in all his endeavors, tried to be relatable to his closet friends, bought him a car for his birthday, and it is said that they originally bonded over the lost of a parent.

So black women tell me what has she done to warrant your hate?

Some might say "She's a hoe" but before you judge look in the mirror. You have all been hoes at some point of your lives some longer periods than others but it is what it is. Exploring one's sexuality is a part of growing up. Lord forbid some of you chicks never get in loving meaningful relationships due to pictures and videos floating around in mobile memory and cyberspace. But you should because if you're a woman who has changed her ways and acknowledged her mistakes then you deserve to find happiness just like anyone else.

You just have find your Kanye...and he might be white.

Follow myself and the #FirstClassBlogs crew at @gritscapone @rell_mac @i_whitemike and @E_trell

Written by Grit$ (@gritscapone)

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