Monday, November 5, 2012

#FakeLife: Conscious Is The New Cool

Ok before I talk my shit that will eventually lead many of you to subtweet me and @ Rell Mac telling him, “It wasn’t funny” first I just want to say that it feels good to back in the Burgh, and secondly to wipe the crusty snot from your daughter’s nose, stop beating the mother of your 27 month old son for having too many likes on Instagram and get your GED from Pittsburgh Cyber School before you dusty peons krump into my mentions. Its appreciated.
Well today is Election Day and many of you will be voting, telling others to vote, but sadly many of you will be Fauxoting. If you don’t know how to pronounce that just like you can’t pronounce Yves Saint Laurent I’ll spare you buying Rosetta Stone to tell that it means, “Fake-Voting”.

Now over this past year it has been good to see young people especially black take an interest in the landscape of our country regarding race, politics, health, sexuality, and religion as apposed to the same tired topics of freeing Torrance Hatch, side bitches, and the ever provocative idea of trying Molly for the first time. However, two very important revelations have come to my attention from reading my TL and comments on blogs.



It sounds like I’m bitter or maybe I’m exaggerating but I don’t really think I am. I don’t know if it’s just the apathetic nature of our generation where no body really gives a fuck about anything or a short attention but in 2012 I have noticed this:


Ya’ll have been so thirsty to appear intelligent and socially aware that it has in most cases backfired and made black people look basic and ignorant as fuck. Remember when everyone decided to take a picture of themselves in hoodies in memoriam/remembrance of Trayvon Martin? But how many of you have even researched the Stand Your Ground law of Florida or the Castle Doctrine law of Pennsylvania? Or Stop and Frisk in New York? I know some of you are dumbfounded and have no idea about what the fuck I’m talking about!!!

I’m not saying any of this to put my people down but in that situation if ALL you could fucking do is take a picture with a hoodie, skittles, and Arizona iced tea then you are FUCKING WORTHLESS AND THE MOVEMENT DOESN’T NEED YOU. If you’re going to be ignorant just be happy with being ignorant and continue to live in ignorance. Don’t march because everyone else is then when no ones paying attention, go to your porch and continue to roll up that dope like you were doing before. You’re not fucking fooling anybody…Only Yourself.
The election is another instance. Its not enough to vote for Obama because he’s black. I repeat IT’S NOT ENOUGH TO VOTE FOR OBAMA BECAUSE HE’S BLACK.  Most of us have smartphones, the information you need to make an honest and informed vote is at your fingertips. DO SOME FUCKING RESEARCH!!! Ya’ll research KOD strippers, where to buy Foams, and if that Popeyes deal for 8 pieces for $4.99 is still going on (It is). Learn about what these politicians are going to do about Big Mama’s blood pressure medication and if she’ll have to pay for it. Find out if your cousin Davon is going to be released earlier because they repealed Rockafeller drug laws, or if your gay uncle Lucious is going to be able to marry to his “friend” Melvin.

These are matters that DO and WILL affect you and the lives of people you know and love. Social awareness should never be a trend and it’s not something you can dress up as and sadly a lot of “you people” are simply Hypebeasts for next cause/tragedy.

Follow the team and support what we do @E_Trell, @i_whitemike, and @Rell_Mac.

                                                                                    Written by Grit$ (@gritscapone)

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