Monday, November 5, 2012


Welcome back to First Class Blogs and even better welcome back to another #PghSupportPgh blog. #PghSupportPgh blogs are meant to shed light on the positive people and the positive things that go on throughout the city. It's a promotional tool to help and guide artists to their dreams and never look back. Most recently following @I_WhiteMike show at the August Wilson Center (if you didn't see it click the link) ----> but after the show one of my homegirls approached me asking me to write her a blog for an upcoming event she has. Me being the person I am I said no problem, email me the information and I'll make it happen. 

And this is why we're here today......

This event is Trending Now: Young Entrepreneurs Expo and its for the young professional business owners, designers, and young professionals to showcase what they have to offer our city. This is a networking event for all to come and try to build some unity in the city and help one another climb to the top. There's already enough hate and negative things in and around our city, let's try to stop that and break the cycle. It's already hard enough to make it out on your own so why not try to network and join forces with someone and make it out together. 

The Trending Now: Young Entrepreneurs Expo is being held at Hosanna House (gymnasium) which is located at 807 Wallace Ave in Wilkinsburg, PA 15221 on December 1, 2012 from 4-8pm. Stop thru and see what these young business people have to offer, we spend enough time and money on Ralph Lauren and Trues (people we'll never meet and don't know) why not support the people you do know. 

For the business owners and young professionals who would like to have a vend at this event, the vending fee is $50 (non-refundable). So if you're serious about trying to get your business off the ground and up and running please contact to submit your payment. Your vending fee includes a table, table cloth, and three chairs so you can display your merchandise. The deadline to purchase a vending table is November 16, 2012.

In conclusion, December 1 is World AIDS Day and a portion of the proceeds of this event will be donated to the Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force. So not only are you going to be supporting local business owners but you'll also be helping a great cause. So all the music artist, fashion designers (clothing and jewelry) now is your time to showcase your product to the city. #PghSupportPgh

Written by Rell Mac (@Rell_Mac)

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