Monday, November 12, 2012

Open Letter to Meek Mill

Just by reading to title of this blog the MMG groupies are ready to discredit everything I'm about to say and throw so much dirty on my name. I already know my mentions are going to be filled to the brim with slander, I prepared myself for that.

Moving. Right. Along.....

Dear Meek Mill,
How are you doing sir, my name is Rell I'm a local blogger from the inner city of Pittsburgh, PA and I feel like we need to have a sit down my friend. Now before I go any deeper into this letter I personally think you can rap with the best of them, notice I said rap. If you were in a cypher with some of the lyrical artist out today I feel you would hold your own. Rapping is not an issue for you and I feel like you know this. The problem comes in when it comes to making actual music.

Let's take Dream Chasers for example, DC (Dream Chasers) was a mixtape where you shared your stories by rapping and gathering your fan base. Do I have an issue with you doing that? Absolutely not, that's what mixtapes are for to display and showcase your talents. Great job by the way on that success of that tape. Dream Chasers 2 (DC2) I kinda expected more from you as an artist, this was the mixtape before your album and I expected to hear more music than just rapping. DC1 and DC2 were the same exact same thing, the same piece of work, and there was no sign of growth as an artist and as a man. The downloads were a great look but its the replay value that trumps everything. Let's take Reasonable Doubt for instance, RD went Gold when it first got released the numbers weren't too crazy. The replay value within the music is what makes it a classic album, you can put that album in now and still catch things you didn't the last time you listened. It's great music with almost perfect replay value and that's why Jay is one of the greatest to ever pick up a mic, his music has replay value.
Are you a dope rapper yes, I am taking nothing away from you. Are you a great artist that makes great music? No not at all. Your subject range is very limited, you talk about the same things in everyone one of your songs. Your watch, your car, your father, and your hood. I understand because I come from the same situation as yourself, but give us the fans more than just the materialistic items you've earned over time. Give us the fans more than just your father passing away at such a young age (RIP to your father). Tell us about you as a person, make a song telling us about relationship troubles you might have had (Song Cry- Jay-Z), mention prospering out of the hood without selling drugs (Black Boy Fly- Kendrick Lamar). Tell us about some of your mistakes you've made so the younger generation can listen and learn from your mistakes (You Must Luv Me- TI). We still want to hear the cocky shit talking records but do it in a more creative manner, use metaphors, and clever punchlines to talk about the luxury items you have (Imaginary Player- Jay-Z).

Point is Meek is you have talent but you also talk about the same thing and there isn't much growth in your craft. Your album consist of the same flow, style, and delivery. Everything you mentioned on your album are things I've already known, tell me (the fans) something new. Dreams and Nightmares was chance to share a different side and tell us a different story. It's time to make music for everyone and not just the people living on or under the poverty line. Be creative and take a different approach when you write your music, it will help you in the long run. Continuing the approach you already have will make you the next Beanie Sigel and yes Beans is/was dope but he doesn't have a legacy. This is a marathon and not a sprint my friend. It's time to make music and not just rap, I hope my opinion can help and make you a better artist for years to come.

God bless!!

P.S Tony Story 1 and 2 were dope but please do not create a "Tony Story" for each body of work you make. Let the story be great and walk away from it, you see HOV only made Friend or Foe 1 and 2.

Sincerely Rell Mac

Written by Rell Mac (@Rell_Mac) 

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